Whether he’s gathering caps from the wasteland or collecting resources in the vault, there will come a time when Mr. Handy stops his diligent butlering and goes Hulk on the wasteland adversaries invading your vault. 

Since Mr. Handy follows invaders until he kills them, he’s sure to take damage no matter what you do. And since you don’t want to lose your little helper, healing and repairing him will quickly become a necessity. 

But here’s the rub: you can’t heal Mr. Handy in Fallout Shelter. No matter how much damage he takes, there’s currently no mechanic that allows you to heal him while he’s still alive. Stimpacks do not work. 

You can repair him, but only after he dies. Currently, it costs 2,000 caps to repair Mr. Handy, which can be a pretty penny depending on your situation. 

The repair method works in both normal and survival modes. However, it’s worthy to note that survival mode is known to have a bug that sometimes hides the “revive” button. If you run into this bug, just close the game and restart. The “revive” option should reappear when you return. 

And if you’re wondering: No, Mr. Handy can’t die in the wasteland because he doesn’t take damage when exploring. If you’re tired of looking at busted, half-health Mr. Handies, consider banishing them to the wasteland to collect caps. 

That’s all you need to know about healing and repairing Mr. Handy. For more tips and tricks, be sure to check out all of our Fallout Shelter guides while you’re here.