The beta for Bethesda’s Fallout 76 will include the game in its entirety. What’s more, any progression made will carry over to the launch. Bethesda revealed last month that the beta or B.E.T.A. (Break-It Early Test Application) for the latest installment in the Fallout series is happening this October, a month before the official release. Players lucky enough to get in early can feel confident that all their hard work won’t be lost.

The long running Fallout series has been around since 1997 and has successfully kept fans entertained for over two decades. Bethesda has decided to switch things up, making the next game an online multiplayer with no NPCs, meaning that the nuclear wasteland will be populated solely by other players and robots. But for anyone worried about what this change means, the developer has stated that the move from single to multiplayer has no effect on later installments. And there could be a single player mode added at a later date. Fallout 76 is a prequel, taking place just 25 years after the Great War that created the post-apocalyptic world players have come to know.

In order to be considered to take part in the B.E.T.A., players must preorder the game. A redemption code will come with their receipt or email confirmation. Players will then have to login or create an account with Bethesda to enter the code. According to Bethesda’s community forum, testers will be randomly selected. While the initial pool of players will start off small, more will be added over time. Owners of the Xbox One will get first access, followed by PS4 and PC gamers.

Fallout 76 will officially launch on November 14. For eager players, that might be too long a wait, giving them the added incentive to enter their name for the B.E.T.A..  October looks far off in the future too, but it is typical for betas to take place close to the game’s release. The wait will give gamers time to wrap their minds around the change from single to multiplayer. The series has been churning out excellent games for decades, so fans should feel confident that Bethesda knows what it’s doing. For those lucky players who get access to the B.E.T.A., Fallout 76 should prove to be yet another enjoyable installment. Since the entire game is included, there’s no limit to what players can explore as they make their way across the apocalyptic landscape.

More: Fallout 76 - Everything You Need To Know